I have a bit of an addiction. I've already confessed to my make-up addiction. No need for a rehash. However, I am also addicted to YouTube. You cannot tell my fan-girl butt that Jaclyn Hill does any wrong. You don't know Jaclyn Hill?
Is the rock a cozy place? The lichen to your liking? Seriously?!
This is the video that is pertinent to the subject matter, Jaclyn Hill, Kylie Jenner tutorial. Oh, Jaclyn. Jaclyn Hill is this Tesla born spark of vivacious energy. Doesn't hurt that the woman has looks to kill, like a shot gun. Bang. Then the Make-Up God, himself, does a review. Wayne Goss review. It totally cements the urge to buy.
At that point, I'm thinking that I have to have the 1995 lipstick or I will die. I might be exaggerating. But what else would convince my broke .... rear end to buy?
So, Bam!, out comes the Debit Card.
I bought the Jaclyn Gems Collection. It sold for $69.00 on the website. I didn't like that the Gerard Cosmetics site didn't have in depth descriptions of the colors I was purchasing. However, once I ordered, the shipping was fan freaking tastic.
It shipped very fast. The packaging was lovely. Hmm. The packaging on this and my first post seem to be a match. I blame Gargamel. I mean, yeah, seems to be a trend in the packaging. Gold = Luxury.

I seriously loved the packaging. It is flashy but somehow elegant and looks great in display.
From left to Right: Buttercup, Butter Cream, 1995, and Rose Hill. Oh man, I was excited. They were such staple colors.
From left to right: Rose Hill, Butter Cream, 1995. Then for demonstration purposes, MAC Angel, Gerard Cosmetics Buttercup, MAC Syrup.
I loved the colors. The lip glosses are very pigmented. As are the the lipsticks. They have an average of four hours of wear. Which isn't bad.
Rose Hill is a lovely rose hued gloss. It has a slight citrus smell. It sells for $24.00 on the site.
Butter Cream is a nice nude pink gloss with the same nifty light up packaging with the convenient mirror on the side. It sells for $24.00 individually.
1995 is a 90's inspired brownish color with quite a bit of red under tones (perhaps too much for me, but it does grow on you, so I suggest trying it more than once if you have it and think you aren't a fan). This sells for $19.00 individually.
Buttercup is a pretty nude pink that is on the warmer side. It sells for $19.00 individually.
None of them are particularly moisturizing. They aren't the Sahara, but they are a bit drying. Buttercup can look a bit odd if one isn't careful because of how nude it is and because it is so pigmented.
Now to the bones. I really like them. I like the packaging. However, unless you get a great discount or seriously want the products because you recognize Jaclyn as a goddess, they are not worth your broke budget. They are average as far as product. Without the discount and the hype, they just don't cut the exorbitant prices. If you have the means, go ahead and go wild. If you are talking earning $10.00 an hour, you don't need these.
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Oh! Carp-o-la! I bought these with my hard earned cash. I did not receive any of these free nor did anyone offer to buy these for me. I bought my own set plus some to give as gifts.