
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

ColourPop Super Shock Shadow Koosh Review

When Jaclyn Hill originally did this Classic Silver Neutral Smokey Eye, I fell in love with Koosh.  It was part of the Forever Freshman Collection, and unfortunately that was the only thing I wanted from that collection.  I couldn't make myself buy it.  When I finally talked myself into it, it was gone.  You know that thing that happens with Limited Edition collections.

It only made it worse that Tati reviewed the collection and praised Koosh.  I was a little sad that I hadn't jumped in and bought it.  So, when ColourPop brought it back for the 2016 Holiday collection I didn't hesitate.  I even let that be what talked me into the Sweet Set.  The Sweet Set was $16.00 when I bought it with my own money.  It is still on sale for $13.00 right now and contains Wink and Tinsel as well.

Sweet Set
Tati used Koosh again in her Nothing over $5 video, which really got me excited.  Tati is in my Top 5 YouTubers I Trust List.

Koosh is $5.00 for a full size 0.07 oz container of the product.  You don't have to buy it in the Sweet Set and can buy it by itself you're not into Tinsel and Wink.  It has a fun formula, kinda like a cream and powder got naughty on the egg nog.  ColourPop does not test on animals and they are made in the USA.  Most of the products are vegan.  Koosh is a vegan product.

They ship everywhere except: China, Turkey, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote D’Ivoire, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, the Crimean region of the Ukraine, Sudan and Syria.

Holiday Packaging!!♥!!!
I really like the holiday packaging.  The box has leopard print and roses.  Btw you know how to tell the difference between leopard and jaguar print?  Jaguars have dots in the rosettes. Tada!  Anyways, the little pots are actually black this time, which I like as well.

Koosh is an "icy silver taupe" in their ultra metallic formula.  I get a pink/purple undertone that helps it look pretty on the skin.  The ultra metallics are usually highly pigmented, very shiny and can sometimes be a little unwearable.  I have Liberty and it is very very silver and takes a more bold person than me to wear it in daily makeup.

After seeing Koosh in action on Tati and Jaclyn, I wasn't afraid.  I use my fingers to apply it and is pigmented, metallic, and blendable.  You can also use a brush, especially if you're rocking some epic stiletto nails.  It is very smooth and blends out well.  It looks good on the skin too, it doesn't fall into any lines my 35 year old eyes may have, it doesn't age me.  It gives almost a wet look.  It's so pretty! It also lasts all day and has no fall out.  This may actually be my favorite ColourPop shadow.  I have looked at so many videos on this and it really looks like it works on every skin tone.

It takes a basic look and knocks it up a notch.  You can also apply another shade over this and transform it.  I took a little bit of Cat Nap on the outer 1/2 of my lid, just before my dark outer V color and suddenly I had a glitter rose gold metallic, that looked like I had spent way more time than I actually had.  It almost makes up for my disappointment in Tinsel and Sleigh.

If I need to actually say it, this one is good and I was very happy with it.  I kinda wish I had just bought three of these and skipped out on Tinsel and Sleigh.  I know, that's not very positive of me.  It's the truth though.  Why is this Limited Edition?  Do they sell more having this LE than they would having it available all year?  I dunno.  But if you like it, go get it!

* I bought Koosh with my own money.  No one sent this to me, asked me to review nor have they ever, but if it happens, I'll let you know.

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