I wasn't planning on getting this palette. I'm not really into the color changing things. I've mostly found them to be junk. BabsBeauty did this tutorial, (I realize they sent it to her) and the look she did was so pretty. It's the ColourPop Metamorphosis Palette which was a collaboration with CoffeeBreakwithDani. It is $20.00 for a quad of four (obviously) .07 oz containers of potted pretty.
ColourPop I love this packaging. Adorable! |
I'm going to warn you now, this post is going to be picture heavy. There just isn't any way to show you this without lots of pictures. This is also my 100th post! Yay me!
Metamorphosis |
Not going to lie, I read Kafka's Metamorphosis in High School and at first that's all I could think of with the name of this quad. Don't worry, while Dani's whole theme was transforming yourself into the best you, (she puts a
ton of thought into these things) it isn't going all bugalicious.

The first shade is the matte shade. It's the color, Bravery. It's a nice chocolate or perhaps coffee brown. It's fairly neutral and has decent pigmentation. As with all the matte formulas this is the most difficult to work with, but with a decent synthetic brush you shouldn't have too much trouble. It's a little lighter and more warm than

The next shade is called Strength and it's a light caramel. It is in the satin formula and it's a nice formula. It has good pigmentation and blends well. It has a small sheen or a glow but nothing that will make you look weird if you blend it into your crease. It is very similar to the other colors in the two collaboration boxes I have, but more on that down the road. It blends out even better than the matte formulas and was very nice.

The next shade is the first transformer. It's called Hope and is a sheer opal formula, which is actually an apt description of the color. BeautyyBird used it in this
tutorial. The opalescence really worked with the raspberry color base she used it this tutorial. It has sheer pigmentation, but isn't meant to do much other than go over other colors or perhaps be a highlighter.

The last color truly is the star of this show. It's called Kindness and omg. In the pot it looks like it's going to be MAC's Blue Brown pigment, which is my favorite pigment of ever. This might be the shy sister of MAC Blue Brown. It is in the sheer opal formula. On its own it is a pinky brown color with a teal sheen. I have mostly been wearing it as in the BabsBeauty tutorial and I have had many people ask me what I'm wearing on my lids. It is so perfect for the summer. It has a sheer formula and is meant as a transformer.
In all the photos below, Hope is on top and Kindness is on the bottom. I used the MAC Blacktrack Fluidline for black, the Nyx Cottage Cheese Jumbo Eye Pencil for white, and the Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Cream Shadow Stick in Bark for brown.
Black |
Brown |
White |
If you were curious how close all of the browns are from the ColourPop collaboration palettes, from left to right
Shaaanxo's Selfie,
KathleenLights' Cornelious, and CoffeeBreakwithDani's Strength. As you can see, they are very similar.
If you have pets, you know they feel they should assist when you're trying to work on something. This is Takoda's first foray into modeling. This was after he had fun knocking the pots around while I was trying to take pictures. It's a good thing I think he's cute.
Out of anything, I hope they make Kindness available for purchase outside the palette. It's just such a pretty color and I can totally see myself using the whole thing. Overall, even though I was all eh about the transformer thing, I ended up liking this palette as whole.
I would definitely repurchase Kindness. It's getting a lot of love on YouTube right now, but in this case, it has a good price point and how it will work for so many skin tones, I think it's something to own. However, as you can see, Strength is super similar to the other light browns and it's kind of sad that there wasn't something a little different. I also felt the same way about Bravery, it's a pretty color, but there are a lot of the chocolate browns. Hope is nice, the transforming makes it a little different, but if you're not using it for that, it's similar to
Tassel or
Swan with the glitter brushed off but with a hint more pink. I have found it to be my favorite of the three collaboration palettes I own.
* I was not one of the people that got sent this transforming palette. I bought my own palette with my own money.
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