Tis the season for the dark lips to make their mark on the world. Because of that and my sister looking for a brownish red, I decided that I should probably pick up another ColourPop lippie. I make such sacrifices for those I love.
Lady |
Lady Lippie Stix has a matching
pencil. It was part of a holiday collection, but due to the love of fans, they released it as a permanent color that you can buy all by itself. They sell for $5.00 each, they are made in the USA, vegan, and they don't test on animals.
The shape of the lipstick allows for it to stay in a pointed shape that allows for easy application. The pencil does have to be sharpened. The best way to sharpen is to have a good sharpener or pop this in the freezer wrapped up and sharpen when the pencil is hardened.
Lady swatches |
Lady is cool toned and I think it hits that brownish red mark that Sara was looking for. Colourpop lists it as "cool toned dirty burgundy." It definitely fits with the Marsala trend as well. It is a matte. Personally, I'm a big fan of the Colourpop matte lippies. They're comfortable and long lasting, Lady is no exception. There is a little feathering if it's worn without a lip liner, so I do advise purchasing the liner as well.
Looking like a lady |
Lady is a darker color but it is very wearable. It also works with skin colors from glow in the dark like me to dark, so bonus points there.
I love this color. I think it's great for the season. It's a nice dark color that isn't at all scary and would be a good color for those looking to break out of the nudes.
* I got all ladylike on my own. I didn't receive Lady for free nor was I asked to review it.
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